Erectile Dysfunction

How Long Does It Take Cialis To Take Effect For The Best Results?

An estimated 40% of men above the age of 40 years are known to have ED. This increases to around 70% of men aged 70 and above. Treatment of this condition is possible through various medications presently available in the market. The desired outcome is to help individuals achieve an erection and sustain it long enough for sexual intercourse. A common question is - how long does it take Cialis to take effect. Following information offer an in-depth view, with answers to the above question.

How does Cialis work? 

As a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, Cialis works by relaxing targeted smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood flow to the penile tissue increases, and this helps in achieving an erection. Additionally, the mechanism of action also ensures that this blood flow is maintained to prevent the muscles from turning limp soon. As a result, the individual maintains the erection sufficiently long enough.

How long does Cialis take to work? 

With the mechanism of action Cialis explained, let us understand the time taken for it to work. The PDE5 inhibitor takes between half an hour to one hour to work to deliver the above actions. However, this may differ slightly from individual to individual and depends on other health conditions. This is the time it generally takes for a normal, and healthy individual to see results from Cialis. It is important to understand that there are two different sub-categories among users.

  • The first category of users take the drug as and when needed. This is known as on-demand use, and users of this category take higher dosage strengths.
  • The second category of users are those who take Cialis on a long term, and in such instances, the dosage is lower due to regular or extended use.

In both instances, the time taken for Cialis to start working is more or less the same. However, users of the first category are likely to have a slightly better or improved blood flow to the penile area always. This is because the drug in the body will ensure relaxed muscles and enhanced blood flow. To understand this, it is necessary to know more about the time the drug is known to stay in the body.

Cialis remains in the body for up to one and a half day after intake. As a result of this, the mechanism of action of the drug will have an impact on the blood flow, and help achieve erection easily. However, for best results, individuals on Cialis on a long term basis are advised to time the intake of the drug. In other words, Cialis is recommended to be taken about one hour prior to sexual intercourse.

What are the factors that can affect how Cialis works?

There are various factors that can affect the manner in which Cialis works:

  • Incorrect dosage
  • Incorrect schedule
  • Your ED is caused by a psychological condition

Other underlying health conditions that impact sexual performance 

If your ED is caused by a physical health condition, it is necessary to treat the underlying condition first. This will help to ensure best results from Cialis. There is another valid consideration or angle to this. It is important to treat all underlying conditions on time, to prevent the condition from turning worse. 

Cialis efficacy statistics

Cialis, is known to have an efficacy of 70 percent in treating ED. This is the same in most other medications used for treating ED. This means that 30 percentage of users may not experience the desired results. This could be because you’re not using Cialis correctly. To understand the Cialis efficacy curve, it is important to:

  • Get your dosage right
  • Maintain intake schedule
  • Prevent any drug interactions or contraindications.

How Cialis works: Final thoughts

As outlined above, Cialis works by dilating the blood vessels to ensure steady and sufficient supply of blood to the penile tissue. For best results in terms of achieving an erection or sustaining an erection, take Cialis at the right time, at the right dosage. Remember, if you’re not using the right dose of Cialis, you may not experience best results from the drug.

Before that, get yourself checked for any untreated health problems, or psychological issues. Treat the conditions, and prevent drug interactions by identifying medications known to cause undesirable effects on Cialis.

If you’re experiencing performance anxiety, it is advisable to take an integrated approach to ED. Individuals who experience performance anxiety, are likely to end up with increased anxiety if medications do not deliver the desired results. For instance, individuals on medications are hopeful of experiencing a positive impact. However, when the results are not as expected, this could contribute to further anxiety, and increases the problem.

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