Erectile Dysfunction

Everything You Need to Know About Filagra FXT Plus


Filagra FXT Plus combination based on Sildenafil + Fluoxetine by Fortune Healthcare Private Limited

Males of any age group can get a sexual health condition called erectile dysfunction (ED). This condition pushes men to have a limp penis while they have sex. As you know, an erect and firm penis is a basic need to have delightful intercourse. Males of the older age group i.e., more than 50 years of age are regarded as potentials. But, detailed studies on men’s sexual well-being indicate that males of 20 years of age may get it. Drugs are prescribed for case management of such penile conditions in males. In this light, can a drug called Filagra FXT Plus combination based on Sildenafil + Fluoxetine treat ED and related sexual problems in men? It is worth your while to needful inputs in this regard.

Are drugs prescribed for treating erectile dysfunction among men?

Drugs featuring under a category called PDE 5 inhibiting meds are widely used for treating ED. In this category, leasing meds include sildenafil citrate, tadalafil, and avanafil; the active chemicals present in these drugs are found to be effective to treat ED i.e., erectile dysfunction.

Some males who decided not to treat ED eventually witnessed a few related sexual problems with the lapse of time. For example, men who ignored ED and its symptoms saw early or extremely delayed ejaculation i.e., discharge of semen in an ill-time manner.

Filagra FXT Plus combination based on Sildenafil + Fluoxetine – How does this med work in men with ED?

Your treating doctor is more likely to administer drugs such as Filagra FXT Plus based on Sildenafil + Fluoxetine – from the stables of Fortune Healthcare Private Limited – for the treatment of ED. Active items present in these pills enable an extra provision of blood into your penis. This added blood flow makes way for the stiffening of the penile parts, and thus helps gain added pleasure during sexual intercourse for both men and their sexual partner(s).

You are advised to take only one pill per day; each pill needs to be consumed a few hours before you engage in sex with a partner. The suggested timeline is 3 or 4 hours prior to your sexual act. As a second dose (within a day) can cause serious side effects, make sure to take a single dose within the 24-hour time span.

Intake of two tablets can cause an overdosed situation. In such conditions, men are more likely to witness dizziness and/or drowsiness, increased levels of sweating, heartbeat running faster, etc. In some men wheezing, panting or other respiratory difficulties have been noticed.

Can consumption of Filagra FXT Plus based on the Sildenafil + Fluoxetine combination cause any adverse side effects or allergic reactions?

Men who have prior allergies to PDE-inhibiting meds – such as Filagra FXT Plus based on Sildenafil + Fluoxetine – will need to tell their doctor of all prior instances of allergies and/or hypersensitivity. In such cases, your treating doctor may provide safer / alternate options.

Commonly witnessed adverse effects and reactions include abdominal problems like nausea, vomiting, and indigestion. In some men, splitting headaches, migraines, increase in body temperature, discharge of loose stools or diarrhea have been observed. Upon experiencing one or more of these the above-listed adverse effects, it is strongly recommended to consult with your caregiver without delay.

What types of safety measures are required for the safe intake of Filagra FXT Plus based on Sildenafil + Fluoxetine?

Men who already experience frequent spells of drop in blood pressure levels (or hypotension) are advised to share details with the doctor of their clinical history. Also, males who take meds that have traces/derivatives of nitrate in them must update their caregiver and/or pharmacist of such meds, the dosage strengths, and the underlying medical conditions (for which nitrate-based drugs are consumed).

In this vein, the intake of drugs such as ritonavir (an antiviral drug), antibiotics, or antifungal meds of the “azole” genre may also trigger a few adverse effects in males.

It is an essential thing to know that Filagra FXT Plus based on Sildenafil + Fluoxetine combination may cause a few adverse interactions when taken with a few types of meds – especially, drugs falling under a genre called guanylate cyclase stimulators. Co-administration of such meds (with PDE 5 inhibiting drugs) may trigger erratic heartbeats, increased sweating, pain in the chest area, abnormal pulse rates, etc.

If you are sensing any of the above problems – especially, respiratory conditions like gasping or wheezing, dial 911 as quickly as possible. Males can also contact the helpline of Food and drug administration (FDA) in the US, as an alternative emergency measure. Males who are living in a Canadian province need to rush to a poison control cell – located nearer to where they reside.


Information provided here is only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug is safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this drug or any other med.

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